How we work
Understanding how we work is key to appreciating what makes our community unique. Our processes are built on collaboration, sustainability, and inclusivity, ensuring that every project aligns with our values. By sharing how our organization works, we hope that our system can be replicated to create new communities around the world.
- An evolutionary and flexible organization – Dio Pigadia’s organization has always been evolving and will continue to do so. This is just a framework to be tested and customized over time.
- Dio Pigadia is an alternative social and work organization oriented towards finding a way for humans to live in symbiosis with nature based on the principles of permaculture.
- Dio Pigadia aims at covering a wide range of know-hows and providing a space for knowledge sharing, from farming to community organizing and all crafts that relate to autonomy building (e.g. food transformation, earthworks, woodwork, metal, textile, arts).
Principles and values
- Communication is vital. Always share and ask, even if you are not sure. Avoid aggressive communication: in case of tension, use non-violent communication techniques. Let it rest and discuss it later.
- Trust is key. Start with the assumption that people are good before criticizing. Always give a chance before judging. There is never only one way to do things. Trust people on their decisions. Changing your mind/opinion is positive, it’s not about who is right.
- Open mind to all. Dio Pigadia is a place for everybody, regardless of everything except what can hurt others. Tolerance and understanding are paramount.
- Respect for private life: being a community where work and daily activities intermix, it is essential to respect others’ private, off-duty time.
- Flexibility and stepping up. We might be off duty but we are still on watch. Should something come up and we need to be there, we should.

Decision making
Dio Pigadia is a self-organized entity. All members encouraged to take responsibility and make decisions, including volunteers. All those affected by the decision should be informed and consulted. Pigadians should be open-minded to new ideas while taking rejecting bad ideas or things that have failed in the past.
At Dio Pigadia, the authority relies more on (in order):
- Those who have been here longer or will stay longer
- Those who are more skilled/are more invested
The “manager” is a specific role designed to ensure that there is a member responsible for things like final decisions and payment of salaries. When overseeing or making ultimate decisions, the manager must listen to all member’s perspectives and respect their areas of responsibility. Special organizational meetings can be called to question a decision and provide feedback.

Organizational and “special” organizational
These meetings are for Pigadians, and address specific community issues that don’t need volunteers to be involved (volunteers can request to participate/be invited). There are no private meetings, the topics addressed will be shared with all if relevant during Feedback Friday. A notetaker keeps track of the meeting.
- First we go through a round of talking stick (personal sharing) without interruptions.
- We then review the notes of the previous organizational meeting.
- We then refer to organization proposals, discuss last week’s feedback, prepare for upcoming events, talk about any new decisions that need to be made, and all members are able to bring topics for discussion.
Special organizational meetings can be called as needed to address special or urgent topics, and can involve only Pigadians or be extended to the entire community.
Friday feedback
Every Friday, after lunch. Everybody is involved. A notetaker keeps track of the meeting topics.
- First we take a moment of quiet to individually reflect on the past week, then we go around in a circle and everyone can share any thoughts or feelings they have about their week, without any interruptions. Everyone is free to skip if they don’t feel like sharing. Common themes are things people are proud of accomplishing and gratitude for the community.
- Any important topics from the organizational meetings are presented.
- We take stock of our last week’s feedback. We read off each topic discussed the week before and acknowledge whether it was addressed during the week or if it still needs to be worked on.
- We open the floor for feedback from all community members: permanent residents, volunteers, and active guests. Any feedback or suggestion is open for discourse and at the end we decide if it is approved or not.
- We read any suggestions that were left anonymously during the week in the suggestion box. This is a way for community members to share feedback they feel is valuable without having to directly confront the group. We want to provide a comfortable way for all members to contribute their ideas.
- Examples of feedback and suggestions:
- putting tape and marker by the fridge to label and date leftovers
- installing a timer for the water heaters so that we don’t accidentally forget to turn it off and waste unnecessary electricity
- creating a knowledge database so that information between coming and going community members is not lost
- Examples of feedback and suggestions:
- The notetaker posts the meetings decisions in the community group chat.
Work and money

All incoming and outgoing money is tracked and the budget is transparent to all.
Food and accommodation is provided. Dio Pigadia also provides work equipment, work clothes, anything related to the well going of the project and can also cover specific educational training and diplomas.
Pigadians have specific responsibilities, are invested in the long term and will receive a share of the income of Dio Pigadia. Pigadians are working on a 5h/day basis. If someone wants/has to overwork and take on more responsibilities, they are compensated. Salary varies between 250 euro minimum and 500 euro maximum.
New members
New permanent members (Pigadians) are selected on motivation and should have a specific trade or skill that they will develop and promote at the farm. Greek and English languages are very important. Candidates will go through a 3 month trial period at the end of which they must be approved by all current Pigadians.

If you want to see our active working document, it is publicly available.