Volunteers’s Welcome Guide


Volunteers Welcome Guide


Welcome to Dio Pigadia farm. Dio Pigadia is a permaculture eco-project established as a non-profit organization with the objective of implementing and exploring an alternative and sustainable ecological model. Permaculture is more than an agricultural technique; it is a philosophy rooted in local production/consumption, aiming to envision a new sustainable paradigm.

We are a self-organized project and we live in a community, for this reason we ask everyone who joins the project to respect others and help create an environment of trust and cooperation, where everyone feels safe and valued. 

Bring along your open-mindedness, good vibe, and motivation! Help us prove this alternative is possible. We are looking forward to meeting you at our permaculture farm!

What to bring

  • Natural biodegradable soap, as all water is used for our garden and the food that we eat. You can buy it at the farm shop as well.  
  • A personal water bottle.
  • Trainers or hiking shoes for working at the farm.
  • We offer sheets and towels, but if you want white pristine sheets you are welcome to bring yours, ours are clean but might have stains.
  • A headlight is recommended.

Seasonal specifics:

  • Summer: hat to cover from the sun, sun cream and mosquito product.
  • Winter: woollen hats and socks, rain jacket and rain boots (available in town for 10 euros).

Work routine

4 to 5 working hours a day, usually in the mornings, but the schedule might change depending on the weather and projects. Weekends are free.

Every day there is a meeting to divide the tasks, and you will be able to choose which tasks fits you.

Moreover, you will be in charge of one or two daily routines that are separate from the farm tasks. Daily routines are small but important things that require someone’s devoted attention. Your routine will be passed on to you from leaving volunteers as you will pass it on to others when you leave. Make sure when you leave (even for the weekend) to pass it on to another volunteer. Daily routines include things like taking care of the greenhouse, feeding the chickens, making the kombucha, common laundry, posting on Patreon, watching the mice traps, or watering by hand in the garden.

Cooking and dishes work on a rotation base. The cooking and dishes pairs are set weekly with a schedule, posted in the common area and shared in the group Signal chat.

We also have a suggestion box and a weekly feedback session where we discuss the way things are going.

The older volunteers show the new ones how things are done and how they can help. Spot them and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Don’t be shy to ask more general questions about how and why we do this and that. This is a place of knowledge exchange!


Tents and caravans – depending on availability – are the main accommodation, with all the main assets provided (mattresses and blankets). Also there is a place for your own caravan or tent.

If you would like a more comfortable accommodation, we also have a special program for active guest staying in our Nectar Cottages, contact us at nectar@dio-pigadia.com for more information.

This is a self-organized system so when you leave make sure that the space is clean and ready for the next one (vacuum cleaner, put the sheets in the washing machine, put the trash in the bin, prep the bed…)


Promoting the permaculture movement

We are using Instagram to promote permaculture and share our way of living and our vision. Therefore we are constantly creating content, such as pictures or videos of our daily activities in the farm, including volunteers work. We encourage you to help us creating some content if you are into social media, that really helps us to promote and spread the word. Here is the link to our Instagram page, don’t hesitate to tag us.

It’s okay if you don´t want to take active part or being filmed, let us know in advance.

Internet & Internal Communication

  • .We have an internet connection at the Farm and Nectar. Just connect to “OliveNet” wifi and enter the password: chickendonkeyhorse
  • Signal is our internal communication tool, download it here and feel free to ask to join the group invitation. All the relevant information, such as teams for cooking and cleaning and outside activities are planned and communicated through this channel.

Food & Drinks

We cook mostly vegetarian dishes although in special occasions we eat meat from the farm or local producers. Homemade eggs and local cheese might be on the menu. We can’t guarantee vegan meals since we are a farm that produces some animal products and it is difficult to organize two separate meals every time. Most of what we eat comes straight from the garden dressed with our delicious homemade olive oil.

  • We have a rotation system where 2 people (sometimes 1 if we are not many) are cooking lunch, 2 others dinner. There is a rotation system for dishes as well. This will be communicated in the signal group.
  • Harvest and cook veggies that are in season. Go look for them a bit further in the garden where others have forgotten them. Look at what has already been harvested. Check out for leftovers from the previous meal.
  • Don’t worry if you are no expert chef, we are always happy with food and you will be cooking with somebody else so no pressure! If you really don’t know what to cook you can check out our recipe section.
  • Weekends are free and we have no organisation for meals, but feel free to organise some food with the people staying at the farm and feel free to use the available goods.

Friday night is baking time, it’s a gathering time, and we all prepare delicious homemade pizza together and bake the bread for next week.

The kitchen

  • Keep the kitchen clean. Don´t hesitate if you see some dishes to clean in the sink/table or drying dishes that need to be stored.
  • When cleaning the dishes, watch water and soap consumption. Many techniques possible, not using any soap (might seem hardcore but many pans or knives actually benefit from a little grease, plates sometimes deserve just a good rinsing…), rinsing with your hand first, and one drop of soap mixed with water to clear the extra grease.
  • Never put anything that can’t take heat on top of the oven.
  • Everyone cleans their own plate.
  • The team preparing food should make sure that the kitchen and table are clean after cooking.
  • The person on dishes duty prepares the dishes washing buckets, cleans the shared food pots/pans and stores the leftovers.

The shower

  • Check the red valve for hot water in the fridge room (we will show you when you arrive!).
  • Save water in the summer. For real.
  • Don’t use too much soap. Organic/green soap is highly recommended. Bring your own or we can provide you with natural olive oil soap.
  • Pick up your hair!
  • Clean it after use.

The dry toilet

A dry toilet is a toilet which, unlike a flush toilet, does not use flush water. Dry toilets do not use water to move excreta along or block odours. They do not produce sewage and are not connected to a sewer system or septic tank.

As soon as you arrive you will be trained in how to use it properly, but remember:

  • Paper and non-organic stuff goes in the bin.
  • When it’s full, empty in the big poo box, clean well with brush and water, toss the water in the poo box, put some wood shavings, ready for the next one!

We have a pee separation system, pee is collected separately for fertilising by the “fertility person” on duty who will use it for trees that love it!


Energy consumption

Watch your consumption. We are an eco-project. We don’t live in city comfort and should set an example.


Solar panels take over in a sunny afternoon so free electricity at this moment – use it. Take advantage of this for heavy loads (oven, washing machine).


Tools and protective equipment are provided and have to be used properly: if ever you feel uncomfortable or you don’t know how to use a tool, a workshop or demonstration will be provided.

Always make sure to bring back tools in their proper place, and take good care of them.

Animals on the farm

The cats are extremely cute but invasive. They will try to eat any kind of unprotected food and will annoy you when you cook. Watch out!

The donkey Vouno had a bad story before. He is now less afraid and friendly but try to be gentle, no hasty moves, no shouting, also he doesn’t like people passing behind him…

Things to do around

There are different things to do around here on weekends (chill/eat in town, beach days, hiking or relaxing at the farm). Our car won’t be lend for safety reasons. We go to town from time to time so you can get a lift. Hitchhiking is easy, people around here are usually nice. You can also grab a taxi from Mesochori fuel station to Pylos for 10 euros. Sometimes volunteers who come in car/vans can also be an opportunity to move around if they are willing to.


We have 4 mountain bikes! You are free to use them with care. We ask for 10eu for use as much as you want. This will cover the occasional maintenance. Don’t forget please, you can use the donation box! In the summer make sure to leave them in Nectar since the guests will have priority on them. Thanks!


Check the must do/tips section if you want to know more!

Have a Website or Social Media Channel?

If you value our work it would help us to grow if you write content about us and link back to our Website or Instagram Channel (@diopigadia). Every mention will help the project!

Are you ok to appear on social media? Please remind us, if not it’s totally cool.

Please also help produce and share media content on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Please remember to leave feedback on WWOOF, Workaway, and Google for Dio Pigadia and for Nectar.

Also support us by likes, comments, and shares! Help us out with one click!

It’s all about the algorithm, we need the visibility to support the permaculture movement! Let’s make it trendy!

Thanks guys! You are now a member of the Dio Pigadia family!

What others think about us

  • Avatar Alyson Coles ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    I stayed at Dio Pagadia for a month as an active volunteer over the olive harvest. It was such a special learning experience, it really helped me to learn … More about myself and opened my eyes to community living. A huge family made from people of the universe 💞 The animals are super cute too and I especially loved skordo and Vouno the donkey. I'm very sad to be leaving now, and miss the farm and the people so much. We share not only meals, but goals, values and connection. If you want an unforgettable, valuable experience then don't hesitate to give Dio Pagadia a visit!
  • Avatar We learn as we wander ★★★★★ a year ago
    My daughter and I only wanted to visit Dio Pigadia for one afternoon but we ended up staying three weeks. It was a truly great experience for us and we … More both enjoyed taking care of the animals, gardens and veggies on the farm and fell in love with this little paradise. We ate daily together with the other volunteers amazing fresh meals with very tasty vegetables from the garden, helped out at a beach clean up event and even went sailing together.
    Saying goodbye was a hard one here but we both know for sure we want to come back, so it's only bye for now and thank you for everything Jules.
    Lia, Jenny and Tito
  • Avatar Foteini Vervelidou ★★★★★ 3 weeks ago
    What can I say…how to put into word what being with you all has been for me…At various moments I had to pinch myself to convince me I am not dreaming…Surrounded … More by such natural beauty, walking among the olive and orange trees, cuddling with the dogs and cats who add to the serenity and the magic of this place and this community. A community with a clear vision of how life on Earth can be like when we tune into ourselves and realize what feeds our souls. I leave recharged by spending my day in the sunlight, working with my hands and living in community. I leave inspired by the amazing people I had the chance to get to know here. And more importantly I leave hopeful that a better future is not only possible, but it is already being built and offered to the ones who care to choose it.
  • Avatar Soizic Brun ★★★★★ 12 months ago
    Amazing place where you can explore sustainable practices including composting, mulching, wood work, lacto-fermentation, low-technologies... in an interacting … More community. Jules is very willing to share his knowledge with you and explore shared governance. Don't miss this opportunity to live an off-grid experience.
  • Avatar Monica Vargas ★★★★★ 8 months ago
    Fantastic place and lovely community, it is really nice to have had the experience to join it for a bit and be I touch with nature, organic food and beautiful … More people. cannot recommend it enough :)
  • Avatar Laura H ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    Dio Pigada is a very special place. I spent 8 weeks there during the olive harvest season which is special in itself because the farm works differently, … More there is an olive harvest schedule and there were way more volunteers than usually live at the farm. I really enjoyed the harvesting which is not the easiest work but really satisfiying. Every volunteer also harvested only for 3-5 hours/3 times a week. Apart from the harvesting we were able to work at the house extension and help with other tasks around the farm. There were two meals shared every day and everybody could take care of their own breakfast. I really appreciated the weekly feedback meetings where we would share how our week has been and how farm and community life could possibly improve. Every person could share their thoughts and the feedback was treated with much respect. I really loved my time there and already miss it. I loved the community life, forming connections, being confronted with new ideas and perspectives, taking part in great workshops and presentations, singing, dancing, playing games, going on trips, watching the stars and so much more! Thank you for everything! I will definitely come back.