Dio’s whole grain tart with peppers, yogurt & cheese

feta peppers tart

Dio’s whole grain tart with peppers, yogurt & cheese



Prep time


Cooking time



Tarts are super easy to make, salty or sweet, with butter or olive oil, they are a favorite to cook here. They are fast and efficient as you can put any kind of filling and they can keep you full for a long time!


  • For the crust
  • 150 grams whole grain flour

  • 150 grams all-purpose flour

  • 1 egg

  • 80ml olive oil

  • 100ml water

  • salt

  • For the filling
  • 400 grams peppers

  • 1 big onion chopped in slices

  • 300 grams feta cheese

  • 2 eggs

  • 300 grams yogurt

  • 1/4 bunch of dill

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • salt and pepper


  • First, prepare the crust by adding to a bowl the flour, salt, egg and olive oil, mix with a spoon until smooth and then work it with your hands until dough comes together. It should become a smooth paste that doesn’t stick in your fingers. If its too sticky add some flour, if too hard add some water. When it’s ready let it rest in the fridge while you’re preparing the filling.
  • Cut the top of the peppers and take out the seeds. Cut in slices the peppers, onion, garlic, and cook them in a frying pan with some olive oil for 10 minutes on high fire. When they are ready place them in a bowl with the eggs, feta in pieces, yogurt, dill, salt, pepper and mix.
  • Take the dough out from the fridge, place it on a straight surface like a table and start working it with a dowel rod from the middle to the outward toward edges. When you achieve the desired thickness (not very thick), place it in a oiled oven pan. Add the filling mix that you prepared earlier and put it in preheated oven for 45 minutes at 200°C.


    Dio’s stuffed peppers with feta cheese grilled in the oven

    Our Lovely Peppers and how to eat them

    Dio’s stuffed peppers with feta cheese in the oven



    Prep time


    Cooking time



    This dish is best served with some rice, a fresh cut salad and maybe some other grilled vegetables like eggplants from the garden. The recipe is so easy and fast, that it can save you in situations that you have some unexpected visitors or sudden craving for a salty but healthy snack.


    • 10 medium size peppers

    • 200 grams feta cheese

    • parsley

    • olive oil

    • salt, pepper

    • paprika


    • Preheat the oven to 200°C or the grill
    • Cut the top of the peppers and remove the seeds from inside
    • Fill them up with feta cheese
    • Place the peppers in a pan where you have put some drops of olive oil first to prevent getting stuck in the bottom
    • Add salt, pepper and paprika to seasoning
    • Grill for 20 minutes
    • Serve with fresh parsley on top


      Clem’s stuffed zucchini flowers

      WhatsApp Image at

      Clem’s stuffed zucchini flowers

      Course: Dinner, lunch, RecipesDifficulty: Medium


      Prep time


      Cooking time


      Total time




      • Zucchini male flowers (15 to 20 depending on the size)

      • 250 gr feta cheese

      • 2 medium to large zucchinis

      • A bouquet of mint

      • Olive oil

      • Salt, pepper

      • Lemon and garlic (optional)


      • Clean and remove the stamen (equivalent of pistil but for male flowers) of the flowers
      • Heat the oven at 180/200c degrees.
      • In a bowl shred the feta, the zucchinis and the mint. Add the spices and mix.
      • Stuff the flowers with the mix, turn the petals softly to close them and put them on an oven plate with some oil on top (you can also add some feta crumbles on top)
      • Cook it for 15min under an aluminum foil and bon appetit!


      • The female flowers turn into fruits but if you have too many you can use them as well 🙂

      Whole grain pasta with roasted pepper pesto & feta

      pasta with feta

      Whole grain pasta with roasted pepper pesto & feta

      Course: Recipes


      Prep time


      Cooking time


      Total time



      Another fast, easy and tasty recipe where we can use our beautiful peppers. The combination is full of vitamins, with the high nutritional value of the whole grain pasta, making this recipe a healthy choice that anyone would love!


      • 400gr fresh peppers

      • 500gr whole grain pasta

      • 2 cloves of garlic

      • 1/4 bunch of fresh basil

      • 100gr feta

      • olive oil

      • salt & pepper

      • 1 tablespoon of turmeric


      • Cut the top of the peppers and take out the seeds. Cut the peppers in two and place them in an oven pan with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper and grill them in the oven for 30 minutes in 200°C.
      • When they are ready, let them cool for a few minutes and then place them in a blender, add the garlic, feta, basil, turmeric, salt, pepper, olive oil and blend until smooth.
      • Meanwhile, boil some water, add the pasta, let boil for as long the package suggests and mix frequently.
      • When the pasta is ready add it to a bowl, and mix it with the pepper pesto that you prepared earlier, add salt, pepper, olive oil, some leaves of basil and some extra feta on top.


      • Hope you enjoy! Please share your thoughts and pictures with us.